I Can Dig It!

GOoD DaY My FAiR bLOggERs!!

So wE aLL knOW his OldER brOther has tRIEd tO bReak IntO thE GaME....and is StIll tRYing...
bUT LetS See WHAT kID BrOTher DiggY Has GOt TO aDD tO THE sIMMONs LegAcY!!

yEAH Im TaLKIng BOUT DIggY SImMOnS!! CHEcK OUT HIs FreeStyLE OvER NAS' "MAde You Look"

QuITe THe PoPPin Kid!!..I dOn'T knOw AbOut THE CuRSIng..But I GUEsS hE cAN SLIDe....
I wOnDEr WHatS GOnnA bE RussY's tHIng?!!

Diggy - Made you look Freestyle (Flow Stoopid) from Diggy Simmons on Vimeo.

"iM a fAsHIOn N*****, Here's a New LOoK?" hahahaha

wHAT'S thE mOve GuyS?!

YEstERday, The OnE knOWn As GaGa reLeased HEr HIgLY ANTIcIPated VIdeO fOR "TeLEPhonE" FeatUring BeyOnCE.

I dON'T knOw qUIte What THIS VIdEO is sUppOsed TO be...BUt It's KIndA COOl, I gUEss LOL!!

Keyshia Cole Has Something To Smile About


Keyshia Cole and Fiance Daniel Gibson of The Cleveland Cavaliers has welcomed their new baby boy Daniel Hiram Gibson Jr. into the world! The baby was born last night at 11:54 weighing in at 7lbs 3.oz!

BFF Monica also tweeted about the birth:

Congratz to Keyshia and Daniel!!

Teyana Free's Herself

Hey Guys!!

Remember when I reported that teen sensation and Pharell's Protege young Teyana Taylor had pipes???.....well yeah! I was right!
I have the proof! She recorded this on her youtube page this morning!

Check iT Out!!