So, Like always I was on YouTube and again I stumbled on some great pipes... So the show Xfactor, that made the recently assaulted Leona Lewis famous..may have another big superstar in their midst. And she kind of looks like Rihanna too! Rachel Adedeji is a contestant on the new season of the hit show X-Factor and is not exactly Simon Cowell's favorite...but then again all of the great talents aren't![J Hud]
Nevertheless Check her out in some of her most recent performances on the show!!! maaaaaaan she can sing!
So Guys!!! I have some great news!! do you remember last year I reported on a group called the shures?! Well If not, briefly, the shures are amazing band consisting of one young lady and two guys, that I came across on YouTube. The big sensation with the group is not only that they sound good..but that they have never met before...That is until now!!
Ashley Gabz, and Chris are all from different parts of the world, that met each other on the Internet via a karaoke site that used to exist, and together they formed a group online. Through the use of photoshop and other video and imaging products they were able to fuse their seperate videos together to make YouTube videos.
In the fall of Last year the group started a campaign to raise money so that the group that had been making video for almost a year together on YouTube could finally meet. Fans from all over donated money to their cause, and Ashley from the Wisconsin, and Chris from the UK traveled to their band mate Gabz home in Australia, and are together at last!!
Currently they are planning to reside in Australia for a little while in hopes of touring in their respective cities very soon, and also recording a debut album!!!
Yo YO YO!! So I know many of you have seen the Chris Brown/Rihanna Parodies..but will Chris EvER Escape his past?!! IDK you tell Me.... But check Out THe NewEsT addition TO THe chris Brown parodies...haha!!
Well ActuaLLy this Is a Chris bRown/Jay-Z/ Rihanna/ and KanYE pArOdy..
Well JusT cHEck IT OUT... I thINK iTs sOOO fUnny!!
So Brandy...You Guys Remember hEr riGht?!! WELl if You DOnt,,YOu bettEr refresh Your MemoRy BecaUSe...aInt Nothing Soft About BrandY's VoicE!! CheCK Out A VidEO SHE did Today On HEr yOutUbe PAge...