SO LeTs TakE couNT GUys,
RiCK ROsS aND 50 CenT...CheCK
BoW wOw anD sOulJa bOY...CheCK
bEyOnCE aNd lEGenDaRy iCOn ETTa JamEs?...[bUfFErinG]....CHECK!
EttA JameS aND R&B RoYALTy BeYOnCe kNOwLes aRe NOt ExaCLty SittIng For Tea thesE dAys.
EttA JamEs AT A RecEnT ConCErt tolD cOncERt on LookERs, "I can't stand Beyonce, she has no business up there singing..Singing up there on a big ol'..president day goin' be singing my song that I've been singing forever."
bEYoncE WHo PlAYed ETTa JaMEs in HEr MosT REcENt mOvie "CAdiLLAc ReCOrDS" received rave reviews for her portrayal of the ex coke addict from critics, and Ms.James herself. BeYonce visited many drug rehabilitation centers and studied the Icon all in preparation for her depiction of MS. James. Since tHe mOViEs debUt, BeYOnCe hAs peRforMEd the 1961 hit "aT LaST" numerous timeS on tELevIsion including ABC's DaNcIng wIth ThE STARs, ANd FASHiOn RocKs.
It SEeMs aS iF PrEsIdENT BaRaCk ObAmA's iNaugUral bALL wAS the LAsT sTrAW FOr wHich Ms. JAmES lAsHED ouT at BeYonCe RuthLessLy.
ETTa COnTInUeD on At HER conCERt, whERe SHe TOOk jABs aT mR. PresIDEnt HImsELf,
"You GuyS knOw YOuR pREsIdEnT rIght? You Know The One With THe bIg EaRs? YeAh Wait A minUTe. HE AinT mY PReSIdENt, HE mAy be YouR pReSIdEnt, But hE ain't mY pREsidENt..
..but i Tell YOu tHAt WOmAN hE haD SInGIng FOr him, SinGIng my SonG, sHe GOnna GEt HEr A** WHiPpEd...tHE GReAT beYoncE."
THERE hAs bEEn No WOrD FRom BEYOncE yET...
BUt WHaT DO YOu Guys Think?
is ETTa JusTIfIEd iN HEr bITTER REsPonSE?..SHouLd bEyonCe gEt heR "a** wHippED?
1 comment:
her old ass!
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