KeLLy ROwLaNd, thirD mEMebeR of FamEd GirL gROup DeStinY's Child annOuncEd toDaY THaT MatTHEw KnoWleS would NO longEr bE hER ManaGer hENce FOrTh. ThE R&B SinGEr Said in A sTaTemEnT "Matthew Knowles has been a positive influence in my career. I have had great success under his guidance–both as a member of Destiny’s Child and with my solo projects. Although we have decided to part ways professionally, the Knowles family and the entire Music World Entertainment team will always be my family.”
mATTHeW kNowlES ON THE SpLIt OfFeReD THeSe wORdS," After a very positive meeting between Kelly Rowland and myself, we have amicably agreed to end our professional relationship. My company, Music World, will continue to manage Destiny’s Child as a group. As an artist Kelly has incredible talent and I only wish her the best. We will always be family first and foremost and as a dad I can only have love for Kelly.”
wHaT do yoU thINK? dID mS. KelLY MakE A GReAT dEcisIOn, Or DId sHE JusT CERtifY hEr CArEEr wIll be Cut ShorT?
HMMMMM.... MayBE keLLy WIll HavE mORe oF a "dIlEMMa" thaN she fIrST THought?
- gEorgE