tHE laTe Rapper Lisa "LeFT EYe" LopeS waS a LeGenD in Her TimE, a GENiuS iN hEr GEnRe, anD nOw BAck On The mUsIC ScEnE WIth HeR pOsTHumOus aLbUm "lEgACy." Seven YearS aFtEr hEr DEaTh, LefT EYE, tHe THIrD meMbEr of tHE 90's GirL GRoup TLC, HaS bEen ResUrrECted wIth pRObaBly hER moSt pErsOnAL aLbUm YEt. ComPosEd bY hEr FamilY aND BaND MatEs RoZanDA "ChIllI" THomAs aNd TiOnE " T-BOz" WaTkIns, LisA's LaTesT LP iS a ALBUm eNcOmPasSinG hEr TAlenTs, hEr LegAcy, aNd hEr MArk On THe muSiC inDUsTRy.
unForTUnaTely EarlY rEviEWs BY cRiTIcs, AnD fIrsT lIsTenERs..tHIs ALBUm May nOt bE as mEMorAble AS cRaZY SExY COOl bY a Long ShOt. ReigNdROp LopEs, LeFT EyEs' SisTer is FeAtured on The ALbum ManY timeS, oFFeRIng heR VOcAL StylingS to HEr SIsTErs, fAST pACed yET pRofOUnD and Thought ProvOking LyRicS. Some oF the gueSt on The AlBum iNcLuDe:
Lil Mama
MisSy ELliOt
aNd ChAMilLiOnARE...JusT to NAME a fEw
At THe EnD of ThE dAY It DEPenDs On The LisTenER...
But WhaT is NOt DebAtabLe iS thE mARk LIsa LEfT On The IndUSTRy
aNd THAT hEr FamOus SPiT firE RyHMes ThAt burn UP tRacKs WIll Be GrEAtly MisSEd!
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