NOw I know that I'm not the biggest hip hop fanatic, or rap head you have ever seen, but...I always give credit where credit is due!
So, I home from school, where I have been deprived of television for like 10 months lol, and I'm watching BET's 106 and Park and guess who is on the show...New comer, and white rapper, Asher Roth. Now wait wait..before you laugh..Let me just say Asher Roth is the truth!
Not only is he talented WHICH HE IS! If you haven't heard his new debut album "Asleep in the Bread Aisle" you need to get it! But He also is exremely articulate, and he is a conscious person spreading awarness aboutchild obesity!..which he spit a BLAZING rap about on 106!!
His appearence on 106 and Park[5/15] was a good move, because it gave the world a different side of him! And I like it!
Asher Roth..Not just a one hit wonder..but a star in the making!!
Asleep in the Bread Aisle...GO GET IT! NOW!..NOT TOMORROW TODAY!!!
Video:Be Myself Ft. Cee-Lo [New Single]
Courtesy of [Youtube]
dnt sleep on A. Roth.
i luv him so far, good lyrics + a swag
definitely!!! i am impressed by ol' boy!! he is poppin if i do say so myself! lol
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