Hey Bloggers!
I just watched the TV special, Farrah's Story..documenting the TV Star's current battle with Malignant Anal Cancer. I'm terribly saddened by the documentary, yet I'm grateful for her efforts to show how Cancer effects the body, the mind, and the soul. I'm also happy that through her pain she is desperately trying to get the word out and hopefully a cause for change.
The effects of Cancer are devastating, and if you don't know someone with it, its effects are not as penetrating as others would assume. Having just watched the video, I feel so grief stricken that someone, that human beings have to go through such circumstances such as cancer. I think, like most terminal diseases, the effects are never as profound as the numbers of people living with them because like myself most people are oblivious to its look. And for most, there is no "look." It just lives. It lives dormant in the body, and it spreads and it effects you organs, and your soul, and the friends and family around you.
The fight against Cancer is a lonely one, and it makes me wonder with all the money the U.S. has why aren't there more answers, more efficient medicine, more help!
In the documentary Farrah Fawcett traveled to Germany alot, and worked with doctors there as well as with doctors in LA at UCLA for treatment and alternative treatments, and the doctors in Germany were able to offer her better methods of treatment which worked for sometime before her cancer returned. Why aren't those methods here?
Regardless of the answers to the questions I just asked, the fact remains the same. The fact that ever day someone is newly diagnosed with Cancer and there is no cure. No cure for their heart ache, no cure for their pain, and no cure to assure them a tomorrow. So what do we do? Do we give up? Not a chance! We fight harder. We fight harder to cure our friends, our families,and our role models, of all these terminal diseases that they cant beat alone. We ask for help, and we raise awareness. We demand research be done, we educate our children, we inspire hope, and we work for change.
Farrah Fawcett is not the only American who has been diagnosed with the disease. She is one of million. My heart goes out to all of those living with the disease, whom has passed from the disease, and to the relatives and friends who have someone in either situation. I hope that the a cure is found soon for the disease which has stricken so many..and I will continue to help spread awareness to those who don't know..until a cure or phenomenal treatment is found!
If you would like to donate to the American Cancer Society, click below:
Help the Cause Now
Take Care,
Clips of The Charlie's Angel Star
[Courtesy of YouTube]
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