TrANsfOrm Ya
So Uhh!
I been gone for like bad! but you know how random and unpredictable i can be...NO EXCUSES THO!!
There is absolutely no excuses for my tardiness...but please let me explain!
I basically I have been so wrapped up in school and life and thus have neglected the main thing that has brought me joy! this blog, my followers, my friends, my fans! So with that said, after today this blog will become almost like a journal! Isn't that good news?!!! YESS!! BABY!! YESS!!! I KNOW IT IS[Mo'Nique's Voice] hahaha! Isn't that soo much more funnier when you think about her saying it?! lol...Maybe it's just me...
Anyways!! i have a radio show now!! If you all don't know I attend the illustrious Howard University[ cough's uncontrollably] and we have the number 1 college radio station in the country WHBC830 am and we got it on lock! Ok so that part I made to say but keeping on topic you can catch me on that station or the internet rather because we r not on the radio radio anymore lol..but yeahh catch me here<<<<[click the word here] every SATURDAY from 4-6 on the THE SCOOP!! Also I am now a Street Bid'Naz mentor, member of Target H.O.P.E, member of Endustry Power Players, Intern for Hidden Beach Recordings, and like side A&R REP for the homie Courtney Salter<<<[click her name for more info]
With all of that said I have been busy and now I am finding time to catch you guys up and really connect with you more. The semester is winding down and so I will definitely be on here more filling you in on all the small cracks of my life and what not, and whatever else I feel like talking about.
Today is Dec 3rd and yesterday was WORLD AIDS DAY and so everyone please be safe, wrap it up, be smart, be loving, be passionate, but be CAREFUL!! If you can support the the cause do so and donate donate, donate! a cure will come soon :)
Uhh What else..well for right now Im going to just leave you with this new Priscilla Renea cover that I been playing all damn morning! she is the bomb..if you guys are avid readers of the blog...u know who she is!! but if not...take a peak! ALSO!!! HER ALBUM JUKEBOX IS IN STORES NOW!!! GO GET IT!!!
Talk To You Soon,
P.S. The acting thing is coming along!! Spoke to the Legendary Jackee Harry and Telma Hopkins and I am super inspired and motivated and I will keep you guys posted on any major moves in that area....
I been gone for like bad! but you know how random and unpredictable i can be...NO EXCUSES THO!!
There is absolutely no excuses for my tardiness...but please let me explain!
I basically I have been so wrapped up in school and life and thus have neglected the main thing that has brought me joy! this blog, my followers, my friends, my fans! So with that said, after today this blog will become almost like a journal! Isn't that good news?!!! YESS!! BABY!! YESS!!! I KNOW IT IS[Mo'Nique's Voice] hahaha! Isn't that soo much more funnier when you think about her saying it?! lol...Maybe it's just me...
Anyways!! i have a radio show now!! If you all don't know I attend the illustrious Howard University[ cough's uncontrollably] and we have the number 1 college radio station in the country WHBC830 am and we got it on lock! Ok so that part I made to say but keeping on topic you can catch me on that station or the internet rather because we r not on the radio radio anymore lol..but yeahh catch me here<<<<[click the word here] every SATURDAY from 4-6 on the THE SCOOP!! Also I am now a Street Bid'Naz mentor, member of Target H.O.P.E, member of Endustry Power Players, Intern for Hidden Beach Recordings, and like side A&R REP for the homie Courtney Salter<<<[click her name for more info]
With all of that said I have been busy and now I am finding time to catch you guys up and really connect with you more. The semester is winding down and so I will definitely be on here more filling you in on all the small cracks of my life and what not, and whatever else I feel like talking about.
Today is Dec 3rd and yesterday was WORLD AIDS DAY and so everyone please be safe, wrap it up, be smart, be loving, be passionate, but be CAREFUL!! If you can support the the cause do so and donate donate, donate! a cure will come soon :)
Uhh What else..well for right now Im going to just leave you with this new Priscilla Renea cover that I been playing all damn morning! she is the bomb..if you guys are avid readers of the blog...u know who she is!! but if not...take a peak! ALSO!!! HER ALBUM JUKEBOX IS IN STORES NOW!!! GO GET IT!!!
Talk To You Soon,
P.S. The acting thing is coming along!! Spoke to the Legendary Jackee Harry and Telma Hopkins and I am super inspired and motivated and I will keep you guys posted on any major moves in that area....
Did He TransForm Ya?!
Lovers Quarrel?!
A Better Rihanna in the UK?

WaSsuP FamILY!!
So, Like always I was on YouTube and again I stumbled on some great pipes...
So the show Xfactor, that made the recently assaulted Leona Lewis famous..may have another big superstar in their midst.
And she kind of looks like Rihanna too!
Rachel Adedeji is a contestant on the new season of the hit show X-Factor and is not exactly Simon Cowell's favorite...but then again all of the great talents aren't![J Hud]
Nevertheless Check her out in some of her most recent performances on the show!!!
maaaaaaan she can sing!
Re-United and It Feels So Good!

So Guys!!!
I have some great news!! do you remember last year I reported on a group called the shures?! Well If not, briefly, the shures are amazing band consisting of one young lady and two guys, that I came across on YouTube. The big sensation with the group is not only that they sound good..but that they have never met before...That is until now!!
Ashley Gabz, and Chris are all from different parts of the world, that met each other on the Internet via a karaoke site that used to exist, and together they formed a group online. Through the use of photoshop and other video and imaging products they were able to fuse their seperate videos together to make YouTube videos.
In the fall of Last year the group started a campaign to raise money so that the group that had been making video for almost a year together on YouTube could finally meet. Fans from all over donated money to their cause, and Ashley from the Wisconsin, and Chris from the UK traveled to their band mate Gabz home in Australia, and are together at last!!
Currently they are planning to reside in Australia for a little while in hopes of touring in their respective cities very soon, and also recording a debut album!!!
Interview with The Shures Coming Soon!!
Check Out Their Youtube Page
ChRis BrOWN Can't EsCapE hIs PAsT?

Yo YO YO!!
So I know many of you have seen the Chris Brown/Rihanna Parodies..but will Chris EvER Escape his past?!!
IDK you tell Me....
But check Out THe NewEsT addition TO THe chris Brown parodies...haha!!
Well ActuaLLy this Is a Chris bRown/Jay-Z/ Rihanna/ and KanYE pArOdy..
Well JusT cHEck IT OUT...
I thINK iTs sOOO fUnny!!
Brandy's Last Resort?!

So Brandy...You Guys Remember hEr riGht?!!
WELl if You DOnt,,YOu bettEr refresh Your MemoRy BecaUSe...aInt Nothing Soft About BrandY's VoicE!!
CheCK Out A VidEO SHE did Today On HEr yOutUbe PAge...
and WHY yoUr AT IT..FOllOw HEr on TwIttER...
" Run This Town" meets Asian Persuasion?!

WasSuP! PeePs!!
Look WhaT I fOunD!!
I THInk ThEY r cOol!! lol
So FUnny!!
Run THiS TOwn gOes GlobAL!!!!
I LOVe IT!! and Uhhh HOmEgirL haS sOme pIpEs!!
ChecK kaT badAr Out!!
Obama Has Opinions Too!!

WAsSup GuyS....
So I know you all heard....
When asked about the Kanye West fiasco at the VMA's Obama told the reporter it what was thought to be off the record that he thought Kanye was a "Jack Ass"
Here is the Official Article
Listen to the Audio
What do you guys think?!
Should Obama be allowed to have his own opinion?
Or was he out of line?!
Lauren London Gets A Visit From Weezy Stork?!
Kanye West Has Uh-Oh Moment!

If you watched the VMA's then you know exactly what I am talking about. If you didn't catch it..We'll then shame on you!
This Year's Video Music Awards was definitely one for the record books.
Outside of the amazing "Scream" performance by industry vet. Ms. Janet Jackson in honor of her late brother and the King of Pop' passing, and Beyonce's performance of "Single Ladies," the biggest moment of the show went to Kanye West for his uhh "Big Ego."
During eighteen year old country music singer, Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for "Best Female Video," for which she beat out Beyonce, Sir Kanye West attacked the stage, took the mike from young Taylor and said, "Beyonce had one of the best video's of all time!" After the fiasco Kanye West was escorted out of the venue, and Taylor left crying backstage.
Later in the show when Beyonce won "Video of the Year," she allowed Taylor Swift to come out and relive her moment....the right way.
Here is the video if you missed it...
But What Do You Think?
Did Kanye over do it this time?...........
Salt Makes Everything Better!!

So she isn't the girl next door, the girl up the street or the girl at your church. Chances are you have never experienced the remarkable talents of young DC native Courtney Salter. Courtney is not the next Beyonce. Not because she isn't talented enough, but instead her sound is rare enough to put Courtney is a league of her own. While surfing on YouTube I stumbled upon the jazzy sounding superstar singing a cover of the Plain White Tee's 2007 Summer Smash, "Hey There Delilah." And I have been in a daze ever since! If her amazing voice and stellar vibrato doesn't draw you in, her unique style and quirkiness will at least prompt you to want to investigate. If it's music to move the soul that you seek...then allow Courtney to be the moving van for your Enlightenment!
I Caught Up With Courtney and Got the Inside Scoop on her fresh sound, plans for the future, and how she plans to shake up the music industry!!
Check IT OUT!!
Name: Courtney Shanade Salter
Age: 18
Location(State): Chocolate City
G.SPOT(G.S): Where did you grow up?
Courtney Salters(C.S): I Grew up in Chantilly, Virginia, Ashburn Virginia, and all over D.C (Eastern Market area and Friendship heights area).
(G.S): When did you first realize your unique gift(singing)?
(C.S): When did you first realize your unique gift(singing)? When I was in the first grade and my music teacher, Mr. Ring, asked me to sing the star spangled banner in front of my whole elementary school! I knew at the moment that my voice was special.
(G.S): Who inspires your sound?
(C.S): Like a big collaboration of Minnie Ripper Ton, Omarion, Donnie Hathaway, Mariah Carey, Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, Lauryn Hill, Jazmine Sullivan, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Flyleaf, Beyonce, Ella Fitzgerald, Chrisette Michelle, and JOHN LEGEND have been major influences to my sound.
(G.S): How did your mixtape come about?
(C.S): There was a producer who promised to help me create music for free, and he would take his sweet time, and conclusively disappeared when I needed him the most. I knew him for 3 months and we only had one song finished, and I wasn‘t even satisfied with results. That series of unfortunate events has inspired me to learn everything myself. I started using this m-audio session producer USB program and started creating recording from there. With no help and no money, but with a brain, my life experiences, a computer, and the notepad software, I was able to create the enlightenment part 1, all by myself!
(G.S): What are your dreams for the near future?
(C.S): I want to rebuild DC, I want to place a huge mall in the middle of NE and SE, and I want the jobs to immediately go to those who struggle the hardest, those who live smack in the middle of the poverty, I want to give them a better gateway. I want to keep the beautiful black people WITHIN DC (instead of moving them, to more ‘affordable’ areas like Maryland) but eliminating the poverty through providing affordable housing. After rebuilding my city, I want to eliminate poverty throughout America, which would decrease crime, enlightening the people with other opportunities, choices, and goals! I want to start my own record label that only contains real talent, and legit management, not the kind of label that will keep you on the shelf or try to ruin your career, but a label of realism and realistic talent.
(G.S): What do you hope listeners will take away from listening to sing?
(C.S): I want someone to be blessed when they hear me sing, and I want them to be motivated and encouraged that there is always light at the end of every obstacle or trial.
(G.S.): What has the hardest thing been about trying to get signed?
(C.S.): Honestly I am no where near interested in getting signed anytime soon, I want my fan base to increase abundantly before I even contemplate on that.
(G.S): When you hear about YouTube success stories(Priscilla Renea, Dondria, Esmee Denters) how do you think you compare in comparison to those artist that have come before you through YouTube?
(C.S): I believe that they are all very talented, but I believe that at the end of day I offer something more unique and real. I’m tired of women conforming to commercialism, why can’t we write songs about more then just booty shaking, love, relationships, men. THERE ARE MILLIONS OF OTHER TOPICS!!! Someone will appreciate where I’m trying to go, more sooner than later.
(G.S): How would you describe in a few words the feelings you feel when you sing?
(C.S): I simply feel liberated and beyond thankful towards God for my life and voice.
(G.S):Do you ever get nervous singing for people?
(C.S):I do get nervous singing for people, you have to realize, when your playing an instrument you can almost assume the sound that your about to project is correct, with voice, you never know!
(G.S): How would you describe your sound?
(C.S): My sound can be described as raspy, punk, raw, ruff, strong, deep, and enlightening.
(G.S): If you couldn't sing what would you be doing?
(C.S): If I couldn’t sing I would be in school for marine biology.
(G.S): What are your some of your favorite songs to sing?
(C.S): John legend’s ‘She don’t have to know’ and Omarion’s ‘I’m gon’’ Change’ are the first two songs that come to mind.
(G.S): What mark do you think you can leave on the music industry?
(C.S): God Willing, I believe that I could be the next Beyonce or Alicia Keys without having to shake my booty or become to glamorized to do it.
Soda or Coke: Man I’m trying to stop drinking soda, but Dr. Pepper and Root Beer!
India Arie or Erykah Badu: India Arie Most definitely, love her soul.
Doritos or Tostitos: Doritos make your breath stink so, Tostitos!
BET or MTV: VH1!
Trueblood or Twilight: The Twilight Zone! lol
The Game or Girlfriends: Girlfriends!
Heels or Sneakers: Combat Boots.
Ipod or Zune: Zune's last longer in life!
Taking after the likes of Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, and even an overjoyed Jill Scott, Salter undoubtedly will reach for the stars and when she gets there we'll be cheering her on!
Check Out HerYoutube Page and support our Rising Super Star!!
The Champ is Here!

People People,
The BluePrint 3, the latest LP from Brooklyn native, and Hip Hop Legend Jay-Z has hit the stands as of today!!!! PLEASE GO SUPPORT!!! The album features the smash hits Empire State of Mind Ft. Alicia Keys, D.O.A[Death of Autotune], and Run this town Ft. Rihanna and Kanye West!!
If You Don't have it...YOUR SLIPPIN!
Peace Out!
From Youtube to YourTube

Wassup Guys!
As we all know our youtube fave Priscilla Renea was discovered on YOUTUBE in the fall of last year and signed to Capitol Records. Keeping us posted on her entire journey via her youtube page[] we experienced the joys of being signed, her first performances, and her first single "dollhouse." As expected, her journey is just beginning and I am proud to bring you, if you have not already seen, her second video off of her new album set for release in october.....HERE IS "DOLLHOUUUUUUSE"
ALSO!! CheCK Out ouR girl COvering Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around" for the man himself, via []
Open Your Eyes To: TRUEBLOOD

I am totally hooked on this New/Old Show TrueBlood. Its about a girl named Sookie and her seemingly regular town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. I say seemingly because in this town the residents co-exist with Vampires. But its not like this whole sci-fi surreal thing. Well it is, but there are regular human elements in it too!! It's a sexy drama that everyone must see!!
So Check Your Local Listings for True Blood on HBO.
It may even be on Your on Demand Listings....
Watch it Guys!! Im SOOo SEriOus!!!
Happy Birthday Beyonce

Sup BloggERs!!
It's September Fourth Bloggers and you know what that means!! No not just friday..but it is R&B Superstar Beyonce's Birthday. The hardest working woman in showbiz turns 28 today and "The G Spot" would like to wish her a very Happy Birthday. In her 28 years of living she has accomplished so much, and doesn't show any signs of slowing down....
Check Out The Incredible Video Below..where other Celebs and Fans shared their birthday wishes to the superstar!!
Its Really Cool!!!
pEacE ouT
Fans Say "EGO" Is Too Big For Creativity

What is going on?! ITs memorial day weekend..and you know what that means?!!
COOK OUTS!! hahaha
Im just fat..i know i know..but on to the point of the post..
So the Queen is the Queen right?
Well some fans and non supporters are saying Queen B is just too predictable.
Beyonce's new video for "Ego" which was released on her website is similar to her Chart topping single "Single Ladies" from her latest LP "I AM..Sasha Fierce"
In the new video, the singer dances to well choreographed...and I repeat..WELL CHOREOGRAPHED dance moves and is SEXIER than EVER!!
I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU...but Ms. Carter seems to get better with age...
What do you think?!!
Epiphany[Update 1]

Sup BlogGers/Friends!
How is your day going? I hope that it is going always I expect for you to be making the best of it and making it rather productive!
Whatever it is we want..WE have to go get..WE have to accomplish..and We have to make it happen!!
With those few words of inspiration..I challenge you to be the best you..that you can be..and I challenge to create a to do list..of short term and long term I am today..and I empower you to cross goals of your list you accomplish them!
You Ready?......GO!
Many of you know..if you follow my blog, that I have so many different goals and dreams and I dont know how each of them in particular will get accomplished..but they will. Some of you also know that I applied to be a T-Howard Intern, that I applied to American Eagle Outfitters last week, and I am letting you all know, that I have signed up to be a NY CARES Volunter! and so...T-Howard finally contacted me, and I may if all goes as planned be an ON-Air Production Intern for Rainbow Media!! That is freakin fantastic..why? becuase Rainbow Media is an awesome company which is a branch of Cablevision, and AMC channel, WE channel, IFC, Sundance Films, they are an Umbrella Company for sooo many TV shows, and channels and I am soo super excited! LOL..MAybe while I'm there I can further pursue my acting career through a friend of a friend..You know how networking is key! PRAY FOR ME GUYS!!!
NExt order of business is....AMERICAN EAGLE CALLED ME BACK AND I HAVE AN INTERVIEW TOMORROW!!![5/18] YES!!! YES!! YES!! I need this job, I need everything to work out..I need results lol!
I'll let you guys know how everything went tomorrow..I'll definitely sign in and update you guys on my progress! Do jobs normally let you know right in the interview if you are hired?..IDK but i would hope so! :)
Hmm What else did i want to update you on??? Oh! ok! I remembered...
I am still looking for free acting classes, some acting roles..and so we will see...
KEep your ears and eyes open..and your fingers crossed!!
Wanna talk to me...
share ideas and such..
let me know of Acting Jobs, Classes..Whatever..hit me up on Twitter or Facebook:
George on Twitter
George on Facebook
LEts Make History GuyS!
A Fight No One Wants To Fight

Hey Bloggers!
I just watched the TV special, Farrah's Story..documenting the TV Star's current battle with Malignant Anal Cancer. I'm terribly saddened by the documentary, yet I'm grateful for her efforts to show how Cancer effects the body, the mind, and the soul. I'm also happy that through her pain she is desperately trying to get the word out and hopefully a cause for change.
The effects of Cancer are devastating, and if you don't know someone with it, its effects are not as penetrating as others would assume. Having just watched the video, I feel so grief stricken that someone, that human beings have to go through such circumstances such as cancer. I think, like most terminal diseases, the effects are never as profound as the numbers of people living with them because like myself most people are oblivious to its look. And for most, there is no "look." It just lives. It lives dormant in the body, and it spreads and it effects you organs, and your soul, and the friends and family around you.
The fight against Cancer is a lonely one, and it makes me wonder with all the money the U.S. has why aren't there more answers, more efficient medicine, more help!
In the documentary Farrah Fawcett traveled to Germany alot, and worked with doctors there as well as with doctors in LA at UCLA for treatment and alternative treatments, and the doctors in Germany were able to offer her better methods of treatment which worked for sometime before her cancer returned. Why aren't those methods here?
Regardless of the answers to the questions I just asked, the fact remains the same. The fact that ever day someone is newly diagnosed with Cancer and there is no cure. No cure for their heart ache, no cure for their pain, and no cure to assure them a tomorrow. So what do we do? Do we give up? Not a chance! We fight harder. We fight harder to cure our friends, our families,and our role models, of all these terminal diseases that they cant beat alone. We ask for help, and we raise awareness. We demand research be done, we educate our children, we inspire hope, and we work for change.
Farrah Fawcett is not the only American who has been diagnosed with the disease. She is one of million. My heart goes out to all of those living with the disease, whom has passed from the disease, and to the relatives and friends who have someone in either situation. I hope that the a cure is found soon for the disease which has stricken so many..and I will continue to help spread awareness to those who don't know..until a cure or phenomenal treatment is found!
If you would like to donate to the American Cancer Society, click below:
Help the Cause Now
Take Care,
Clips of The Charlie's Angel Star
[Courtesy of YouTube]
Bread Isn't just for the Birds Anymore

NOw I know that I'm not the biggest hip hop fanatic, or rap head you have ever seen, but...I always give credit where credit is due!
So, I home from school, where I have been deprived of television for like 10 months lol, and I'm watching BET's 106 and Park and guess who is on the show...New comer, and white rapper, Asher Roth. Now wait wait..before you laugh..Let me just say Asher Roth is the truth!
Not only is he talented WHICH HE IS! If you haven't heard his new debut album "Asleep in the Bread Aisle" you need to get it! But He also is exremely articulate, and he is a conscious person spreading awarness aboutchild obesity!..which he spit a BLAZING rap about on 106!!
His appearence on 106 and Park[5/15] was a good move, because it gave the world a different side of him! And I like it!
Asher Roth..Not just a one hit wonder..but a star in the making!!
Asleep in the Bread Aisle...GO GET IT! NOW!..NOT TOMORROW TODAY!!!
Video:Be Myself Ft. Cee-Lo [New Single]
Courtesy of [Youtube]
Your Beautiful!

Whats goin on!
How is everyone?!
I'm doing ok, I'm under the weather I put myself on bed rest lol. Anyways..I got a job interview on Monday with American Eagle, so I hope all goes well!! I'll probably be the only African American in the interview lol.
Whatever the ratio..I'm gonna kill it yall! Just watch!
So on to the point of this post.. Basically I'm here to give a shout all the full figured women everywhere!! There is often such a negative stereotype surrounding the full figured women..and I'm here to say yall got this ladies!!
Whether you love Mo'Nique, Beyonce, Aretha[lol], or Jennifer..
The Full figured women is here to stay..and more beautiful than ever!!
Check out J-Hud's new video..and see just what I'm talking about!!
If this isn't love- Jennifer Hudson
I'll Google Her Now!

Wassup Guys..
So not completely aborting my journalist side, I must report on good music and good singers that just move my soul!! Period!!
Its a calling I swear I have an ear for talent...Don't u think?!
I mean I called Priscilla Renea years ago! Lol NOW Look at her.Bling Bling!
Anyway..Pharell's young female protege Teyana Taylor..came out with a song a few years ago.."google me"..ok if u don't know it...Ur not a fault..the song didn't blow didn't do well and so she has been out of the public eye..except for a few appearances here and there..but I'm sure she was grinding in the studio all the while!
She has been trying to rap..and I've heard that she could sing as well..but never have I witnessed it!!
NOW I have!! She can Blow!![no pun intended] I really think she should try her hand at singing first and incorporate rapping second hand!!
Anyway let me know what you think!
If you didn't google her definitely should now!!

Sup BloggERs!!
Its Been soo Long! i know! but I've been working hard[finals & such]! and I am proud to announce that freshman year is done! I am done with the A-building..done with the caff at least until next semester...and DONE WITH SHIFFERT and AMATI!!
Note to all the HS seniors..DON'T TAKE US HISTORY LOL OR CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY in college!!
But anyways... much has changed for me since my last entry! I have much to talk about with you all and so ill make it quick...
Besides finishing school, I have cut my hair!! Lol don't ask me was a bold decision! but u know what...i like it!...
Its fresh, it's clean, its light, it's manageable, and most of all....
Next order of business!
I have changed my focus a little lol.
I I know!! i want to act!!..I want to be on a series or in a movie!
Here is what I figure..
I'm charismatic, I enjoy making people laugh, I love to entertain, some might even assume that I like to be the center of attention..and whatever the's what I want..
It's always been something that I wanted to do but insecurities and fear has stepped in my way..but If i want it...i gotta go get it right? after ...I AM NOW CHANGING MY BLOG TO MY ROAD TO SUCCESS!!!
this summer I will definitely get some acting classes in and declare my acting minor when I get back to the Meccs[howard U..DUHH]:)
I have such big dreams you guys and I really wanna touch the stars in every way possible. I love the arts[music and acting] and I may not be able to sing lol but i want to be invovled. You ever have that passion in you..that fire that all the greats talk about..I I have it..I know I do..i just need an outlet for it..and I'm not sure if my fire has a specific color..if that makes sense but I know its brewing!..If you ever watch any interviews with celebs like Beyonce or Diddy, or anybody that has made it...they always talk about that "thing" that untapped, unknown thing that you feel when your doing what you love..and I wanna feel that..i wanna live that..i wanna know that! and the only way I know to even come close to experiencing that feeling is to just go out and do it!
That type of true happiness is so rare and I want to experience now and live it forever!
I think for the first time in my life..Im starting to acquire a new confidence, a new light to myself that is so attractive and engaging that it scares me! lol
..I'm listening to myself..I'm doing what I want and I'm guiding myself to my dreams!
if I have to scream it to the world..I WILL NOT LOSE..
IM DESTINED FOR GREATNESS..NOT Ur next Doorman on fifth ave or next convict or teen father or even your next door neighbor!!
Ur next mogul, activist, humanatiarian your next inspiration!!
My fire is burning man!!
Anyways, I gotta go learn some monologues or now [hahahaha]!!
love u guys,
Gimme Some of That Puffy Love!
Twitter Anyone?

Hey Guys...
So as you can see from the side bar...
I am on twitter if u want to talk..have anything you want to see on the blog hit me up on twitter at...
Again Thanks for REading! Your Comments, thoughts, views, criticisms and
sometime ACCIDENTAL LANDING ON MY appreciated!!
Yall R the CooleSt BloggERs/Fans in tHe wORld!!
I Dreamed A Dream!

Sup bloggers..
Lets discuss dreams. We all have them, we all want them to eventually come to fruition, and secretly we all want the world to welcome them with open arms.
Well 47yr old, Susan Boyle dreams. She dreams big, she's been dreaming long, and she is dreaming of song! From the oddest place on earth to Britains version of America's got talent, Susan recently shared her dream to the world in need of your acceptace....
Check out the Vid below..and everything will make sense!!
Video[courtesy of]

Hey Everyone,
this next post is dedicated to a cool kid, that I had the pleasure of knowing.
A jokester, a great dresser, and a friend to all..
The events are still being uncovered but...I wanted to take the time out to express my heartfelt condolences to his family and to all who knew him. I'm not too sure what everyone's lasting memory of him was...but I am certain that there is one that you hold dear...
Feel free to share stories..or memories you have had with him below
Rest In Peace...Chad Wilkins
Foxx may have said too much?!

So Here is the story...
Jamie Foxx has a radio show..I hope you all know on his radio show Jamie Foxx says some pretty messed up things about current Teen Idol Myley Cyrus?!
Him And his entourage persisted on attacking Cyrus because of her reaction to a dissed meeting with Radio Head[Music Legend]!
Listen Here:[Coutesy of Youtube]
Not that I care too much because it's obvious he was joking..
Do you guys think he was out of line?
Let Me Know?
Barack and Michelle Plus 3
Hey Guys!
So as you know, the Obama's finally got their new dog. No not a Dalmatian, or a Yorkie, or a Greyhound, as previously reported but a fluffy and friendly Portuguese Water dog.
The new addition to the family was given to the Obama's my senator Ted Kennedy as a gift to the girls.
The sixth month old puppy will definitely make Sasha and Malia happy campers and add to the long legacy of white house dogs alike!
Check Out the Pics of the new Obama Member "BO"..

While writing this I discovered:
Obama is now under fire because "Bo" may not be a rescue dog. Are you confused?
Good. I'll elaborate. Barack and Michelle when first announcing that they would get the girls a dog advocated a lot for rescue dogs, but animal activist are not too sure that Bo is a "real" rescue dog. Yes, Bo was abandonned by his first owners but he never was sent to a shelter or rescue group making him a "quasi-rescue dog" says critics.
If you want to check out more about the Obama's new dog and this foolishness regarding his origin...Copy and Paste Link Below
But seriously..who cares? Is it THAT serious?
i mean i have two dogs and could care less if they were rescued or not or even if they were pure bred or not! A dog lover is a dog more no less..PERIOD!
Personally I think Animal Activists should Leave the Obama's alone and let the dog chill! Is Sophia[Oprah's Cocker Spaniel] a rescue..NO!|main|dl1|link3|
So as you know, the Obama's finally got their new dog. No not a Dalmatian, or a Yorkie, or a Greyhound, as previously reported but a fluffy and friendly Portuguese Water dog.
The new addition to the family was given to the Obama's my senator Ted Kennedy as a gift to the girls.
The sixth month old puppy will definitely make Sasha and Malia happy campers and add to the long legacy of white house dogs alike!
Check Out the Pics of the new Obama Member "BO"..

While writing this I discovered:
Obama is now under fire because "Bo" may not be a rescue dog. Are you confused?
Good. I'll elaborate. Barack and Michelle when first announcing that they would get the girls a dog advocated a lot for rescue dogs, but animal activist are not too sure that Bo is a "real" rescue dog. Yes, Bo was abandonned by his first owners but he never was sent to a shelter or rescue group making him a "quasi-rescue dog" says critics.
If you want to check out more about the Obama's new dog and this foolishness regarding his origin...Copy and Paste Link Below
But seriously..who cares? Is it THAT serious?
i mean i have two dogs and could care less if they were rescued or not or even if they were pure bred or not! A dog lover is a dog more no less..PERIOD!
Personally I think Animal Activists should Leave the Obama's alone and let the dog chill! Is Sophia[Oprah's Cocker Spaniel] a rescue..NO!|main|dl1|link3|
Split Her Wig?!
Mos-Def Challenges Jay-Z and Weezy?!
I have no words...just watch..SKIP TO.......3:05
I don't know if he is drunk or what..but Mos-Def is challenging Jay and Weezy to a battle.....
Check it out Here[Courtesy of YouTube]
What do you think?!
I have no words...just watch..SKIP TO.......3:05
I don't know if he is drunk or what..but Mos-Def is challenging Jay and Weezy to a battle.....
Check it out Here[Courtesy of YouTube]
What do you think?!
Taste So Good..Makes Me Want to Rob You!

Hey Guys!
So If you have not heard! Then Please Let me Inform you...
Yesterday in Jacksonville, FL... A couple was robbed.
Not for jewelry. Not for money. Not even to kidnap their child!...
BUT FOR FRIED CHICKEN!..Lets say it together Black People " I AM EMBARRASED!"
Before I go off on a tangent let me just give you some more of the story..
So a woman was ending her shift, and closing up Popeye's so she could go home..
Apparently her boyfriend comes to pick her up and with some food from work..the couple begins to walk home...while walking home they noticed that they are being followed by a Burgundy Pontiac Sedan...All of a sudden the Sedan pulls up to the side walk and the suspects yell, "Give Us the Chicken!" This continues on for a few more times...
Again I Am really embarrassed black people...but i will continue...because trust me it gets better!
So the couple is ignoring the suspects shouting for chicken and they continue to walk home.. Just when the couple thinks everything is good..Reports say the suspects turned their head lights off..eased up next to the couple and jumps out of the car with a shotgun.. an says "You know what time it is. Give it up," and orders the woman to drop the chicken. Then the boyfriends pleads..the girlfriend is 2 months pregnant..the suspects dont shoot her but they do take purse..and go..and so on so on.
Ok..So..I love chicken..I do...I really do..I had some yesterday..
And I love Popeye's.. Lord knows I do...but there is no way in hell that I would ever rob someone..let alone for some chicken! Some CHicKEN!! Really tho? Is this recession that bad that we are robbing people at gunpoint..with a SHOTGUN..for chicken?!! GOD DAMMIT BLACK PEOPLE..we have got to realize that when we do ignorant things like this...we not only hurt ourselves but our race?!
You already know what those pink people say about us and our chicken and now we just proved how true that stereotype is!!
I know some of you like here you go!
[Courtesy of Youtube]
What's So Funny Beyonce?!

Well Well Well...Some of you love her...and then there are some of you that hate her...but guess what?! she is not going anywhere anytime soon, and singer/actress/songwriter and now voice of a new cartoon..Beyonce Knowles is reaching EVERY outlet she can..making her one of the most undeniable talents of our time!
Did I say new cartoon?! YES! Beyonce is lending her voice to lead singer "Shine" of the Wubb Girlz. Kind of like a Destiny's Child cartoon version..Beyonce and her fellow Wubb Girlz are hosting a contest in partnership with Wubb Idol and the winner will sing with the trio.... If your laughing that's good..cause I am too..
Wubb Idol Premiere Week starts Monday April 27th and will last throughout the week ending on Thursday April 30th. Show times are set for 10 am. Those are strictly the episodes Beyonce will appear in not to mention the big Nick Jr. Movie which will air on Friday May 1st. at 1:00pm.
Wanna See More?....[Just Watch Below]
Courtesy of [YOUTUBE]
Taking it To the Streets!!!

Taking It to the Streets
By: George Chapman
Whether it was your mother, your father, your great uncle, or that annoying family friend, someone you know told you to use what you have to get what you want. Easy right? Well not quite. Like many inner city youth the students at neighboring high school Francis L. Cardozo possess talents which are often overlooked and discouraged. With little to no support their road to success appeared dim and obsolete but with the help of new found mentors through Street Bid’Naz: A new kind of hustle, their vision became a whole lot clearer.
Street Bid’Naz a grass root organization started by senior Agzja Carey was formed in response to a rash breakout of violence and homicide in the Oakland area of California. In its infancy Agzja held bi-monthly meetings with the Oakland community at the Family Violence Law Center in downtown Oakland while also visiting local high schools with other members of the organization to speak out about the state of the violence and crime which flooded the streets of their community. After much success in Oakland including a largely successful dance competition, Agzja brought the organization with her back to Howard and the District surrounding her, and began the next step of her amazingly beneficial organization.
Like many other public schools in the District, Francis L. Cardozo High School is not well supported, nor is success for its students well anticipated. Many of it’s students are involved in lifestyles most could not dare reciprocate, but nonetheless still deserve an equal opportunity to succeed. Started in the fall of 2008, Agzja and a slew of other supporters began a eight week Saturday program with students from Cardozo High. Serving as friends and eventual mentors, members of the bison community geared up to help the students realize their full potential in order to ensure their success. “Howard being across the street is a big resource for anything that that they want to do. Some want to be producers and singers so we invited them to Verbal Armageddon and other shows exposing them to what they can do when in college,” says freshman English major, Adjoa Nyarko. Supplying internships, emotional support, and guidance, the members of Street Bid’Naz committed more than just their time to helping these gifted individuals.
This past Saturday the organization held its first mentee adoption ceremony in the auditorium of the architecture building. “We created within Street Bid’Naz a family, the black family unit is very powerful, and can be very strong but not if it doesn’t have a strong foundation, so the purpose of the adoption ceremony is to break us up into families and officially adopt our mentors,” says Shenise Miller, sophomore political Science major from New York. For Shenice the organization goes well beyond something to put on a resume. “My brother reminds me of the kids we mentor, and because he is no longer here this[Street Bid’Naz] means my brother’s life, and so it means me saving somebody’s life.”
The large turnout and support for the event emphasized the mentors and founder Agzja Carey’s commitment to the organization and showcased that hearty bison spirit. Receiving tons of donations from campus organizations such as HUSA, Campus Pals, National Council of Negro Women(NCNW), Gentlemen of Drew Social Club(G.O.D.S.C), Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc, and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc helped to make the event that much more successful. Not to mention the gracious community involvement from hairstylist Princess of Joya Imaging Studio with assistance from female bisonette Janay Sanders and Jasmine Rice as well as fellow hairstylist Zelena Williams and Dana Lawrence. In addition to hair, there was a slew of involvement from outside resources including make-up by Leigh Jones and music by turn table master DJ Konshince and friends. Senior political science major, and member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc, Marcus Ware notes his fraternity for helping cultivate his passion for mentoring. “Our chapter donated some of the clothes and shoes that are going to be used today because as a chapter we just felt like the development of young men is one of the most important things we can do as college level men.”
As the mentee’s were placed in their respective mentoring families the excitement and screams from family members and friends grew louder. As one of the young women opened up her gift for which each family presented a mentee with she cried from the overwhelming feeling of the gesture. In fact the whole ceremony was filled with tears but none more meaningful than founder Agzja Carey’s. Kimberley Overton, a parent of one of the mentee’s said in response to her child being involved in “Street Bid’Naz that, “ He is a little more responsible, and prompt, I can never get him up on Saturday to do anything, but he got up to come here[Street Bid’Naz].” A reception in the lounge of Drew Hall followed the Ceremony where mentee Vanda Hill reflected on the experience noting, “My biggest problem was coming to school on time and doing homework, I’ve changed because having somewhere there has shown me that school is not always boring, it’s good, and it’s fun too!”
First Lady "daps" up Queen Elizabeth?!!

SUP yaLL!!
I've been posting a lot lately haven't I?? but you know what? You love it lol!!
But Let me just say I was really excited to post this because I need to vent! Reading/ Watching the news really annoy me sometimes.. and what many news stations and reporters find important are getting dumber and dumber!
So I'm reading the news today, and reporters are actually reporting on the way First Lady Michelle Obama may have wrongly "greeted" the Queen of England, when the Obama's were act Buckingham Palace yesterday. Seriously?!! THE WAY SHE GREETED HER?!!
But let me not get upset too much before I tell you what happen..ok so the news reports that many spectators, and officials are a little concerned about the fact that the first lady touched the Queen during their recent encounter. During a Reception for those leaders attending the G-20 summit, The Queen rested her hand on Michele Obama's back, and then a few seconds later...the first lady DID THE SAME THING!!! R U SERIOUS?!!! SINCE WHEN IS THE QUEEN UNTOUCHABLE?
SHE IS NOT ALL MIGHTY!! this is the type of things that make me angry..
Michelle Obama was first criticized for touching the Queen even though she was just returning the what I like to call "side hug"...that old White lady probably scared her! Not to mention the fact that when the two exchanged gifts which is standard Protocol..Michelle gave the Queen an i pod..but the Queen gave Michelle a picture of herself?!! A picture of you?! Seriously? If She wanted to see the Queen she could just Google her!!
I'm done y'all because that just ruined my day! it really did!!
but I'm really interested to know what you all think?
Comment Below and Lets discuss it! also.....Vote on the Polls to your Left!
Here is a video about it..[Courtesy of CNN.COM]
Embedded video from CNN Video
Ms. Kelly gets more "Independent"?!

Ok Guys Lots going oN today!
If you have been keeping up with the blog than you would have read a few weeks ago that Ms. Kelly has parted ways with long time manager Matthews Knowles. Knowles, the father of R&B legend Beyonce Knowles has been Kelly's manager for her entire career thus getting her to where she is today...whether or not you agree that she should be in the place that she is or not!![cuz' u know what they say lol]
But Ms. Kelly is on a role and in following this hot streak, the Grammy Award Winner has announced today that she has left her long time label Columbia Records. Columbia Records has also been her home from being a third of Destiny's Child through her solo career, and latest LP. Kelly told Billboard Magazine that she will still work with Columbia Records in collaboration with her band mates for future Destiny's Child endeavors.
Kelly also told Billboard, "Because Columbia Records has been my home base as an artist for more than a decade, the decision to move out on my own required a lot of soul-searching." She continued on, "As a solo artist, I felt the need to explore new directions, new challenges, and new freedoms outside my comfort zone and my friends and family at Columbia have been incredibly understanding about my evolution."
Columbia Records also released a statement, "Kelly Rowland is one of our finest contemporary artists and a musical force to be reckoned with," said Rob Stringer, CEO, Columbia/Epic Label Music Group. "It has been a privilege and a pleasure to work with Kelly and we will continue our working relationship with her under the Destiny's Child moniker. The decision for Kelly to seek other opportunities for her solo career was agreed upon mutually, and any reports to the contrary are false."
Previously there had been rumors that the R&B beauty was dropped, but Columbia Records clearly was mutual!
There has been no reports of the "Dilemma" star going to a new record label yet...but best wishes to her from the staff at "Swagg-less Concerns"
Rodney Jerkins tells Keri to "Turn it Off"

SUp Yall...
Ok so I'm sure everyone has heard the Keri Hilson "turning me off" track where the singer comes at R&B vet Beyonce right?! Well if you have'nt scroll down and check it out!
For all my fellow pop culture junkies famed producer Rodney Jerkins speaks to about his thoughts on the beef, the rising Rick Ross and 50 Feud, and 50's career.
Check it Out Below....[Courtesy of You Tube]
Album. 50,
beyonce, Website,
Chris Brown,
Keri Hilson,
Me. Off,
Pretty Ricky,
Disney's Princess Tiana has Jungle Fever?!

Hey Guys!
So briefly here is the scoop. Disney has been working on it's well anticipated debut of its newest movie, The Frog Princess which will star it's first African American Princess, voice of Dreamgirl's Anika Noni Rose this fall. That of course is great...but news of her princes' lighter skin has caused a stir in the African American Community. Sadly enough there has been much outrage over the color of the princes' skin.
Reports have noted that the prince is not actually white but of Hispanic heritage. Either way, many still are not satisfied and doesn't understand why Disney's first Black Princess has to be the only princess to have a prince outside of her race besides her predecessor Pocahontas, who lived happily ever after with John Smith who was white(based on a true story).
What do you think guys?
Are some members of the African American Community being too judgmental?
Should the prince be African American?
Should President Barack Obama have a cartoon? lol [just thought i'd ask lol]
Comment Below your thoughts are appreciated!
Congratulations Priscilla Renea!!!

MARCH 31st!!!!! YES YES YES.....BUY IT!!!
Chris Brown Going to Jail?!

Damn Damn Damn.
Chris Brown has reportedly been charged with 2 Felonies in connection with his Pre- Grammy Attack on Rihanna. The R&B Crooner faces a maximum of four years and eight months in prison!
The star is allegedly going to be arraigned today at 3:30 pm in downtown LA.
There has just been shocking evidence provided by the LAPD of what really happen in the car with the two teen sensations!
Courtesy of TMZ.COM
"FOX 11 in L.A. obtained LAPD detectives notes from a search warrant in the case. According to the notes, Rihanna read a three-page text message on Brown's phone from a woman. An argument ensued and Brown allegedly tried forcing Rihanna out of the car but couldn't because she was wearing her seat belt.
Brown then allegedly shoved Rihanna's head against the passenger window. When Rihanna turned to face him, Brown punched her, then continued punching her while driving, according to the detective's notes.
Blood spattered all over Rihanna's clothing and in the interior of the car. Her mouth was filled with blood.
Brown allegedly told Rihanna, "I'm going to beat the **** out of you when we get home. You wait and see."
Rihanna called her assistant and left a message saying, "I am on my way home. Make sure the cops are there when I get there."
Brown then replied, "You just did the stupidest thing ever. I'm going to kill you."
According to the report, Brown continued to punch Rihanna, bit her on her ear, her fingers and put her in a headlock -- she almost lost consciousness."
Come on Yall!? What do you think about that?!!
Chris Brown,
Punch-Drunk Love

Wassup Ya'll!
So I told you I would be blogging new and old this week to make up for my time gone :(
And a few post earlier I also vowed not to discuss the Chris Brown and Rihanna story until now!...Why? you may ask..........because People Magazine has reported that the teen pop sensations are working thought their issues and have reconciled as they vacation at one of Diddy's Mansions in Miami.
Do you think Rihanna should return to the recently dubbed, " Ike Turner Jr?"
Does true love conquer all? Let me know what you think
Articles Related to the Chris Brown and Rihanna spill!
People Aricles,,20262240,00.html,,20260340,00.html
Chris Brown,
Take you down,
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